Here we illustrate how easy it is to create a Map Sheet using a template similar to those provided by GeoMedia for use with the Layout Window or Batch Plotter, or that you have created yourself.
This demonstration shows how to supply data from your GeoWorkspace to create a data bound report or map sheet series, with one map for each row of data in your data source.
In this tutorial we demonstrate how to use a Named Legend to supply map content for your maps.
There are many ways to set the scale and extent of your Map Box content in Report Designer. This video introduces the basic concepts.
This is the first of six tutorials that demonstrate how to set the map scale and extent of a Map Box in Report Designer. In this video we illustrate the simple case of setting a constant scale.
The Constant Extent option provides the capability to specify a range or extent for your maps that remains constant throughout. Here's how to utilize this option.
This Map Box Scale and Extent option employs a fit-to-frame strategy, as illustrated in this tutorial.
Here's how to direct Report Designer to automatically fit all your features onto the same map.
In this tutorial we demonstrate how to set the Map Box extent to the combined extent of all features in your report data. This is a good option for easily creating an overview map.
With this option, you set the scale and extent, and both remain constant for each map rendered. This tutorial demonstrates how to set those properties.
Demonstrates how Report Designer for GeoMedia can be used to add pictures and/or other Report Designer elements to images generated by the GeoMedia Layout Window or the Batch Plotter.
Silent video that shows how applying a GeoMedia map window spatial filter can be used to filter results for a Report Designer report.