Snow Plow Routes
The City of Edmonton, Canada has an annual snow removal budget of $65 million. The Snow Plow routes data was previously managed in Excel, and MicroStation, but for the 2017/18 season the process was migrated to GeoMedia Desktop, where Report Designer was employed to generate route map books for snow plowing, de-icing and sanding. The objective is to reduce costs by optimizing routes, and Report Designer will present management with the intelligence data to assist with that evaluation.
Counties Where Rain > 50 in Grouped by State Aggregation Example
This example groups counties by state, but only includes counties where rain > 50 in. A Map Box is placed in the Group Band with the 'Map Scale and Extent' option set to 'Extent of Current Feature'. Further, the 'Current Feature Style' is set to a maroon boundary line. The result is a map which displays a maroon boundary line around the merged counties within each state. When all counties have rain > 50 in, the boundary line is essentially the state line. However, when not the case, the maroon polygon(s) is a subset of the state.
70 in x 30 in Map Banner
Features a large format report of three American states designed as a Map Sheet layout. A number of elements are represented, such as three side by side comparison maps, three different chart types, a gauge, a spark line, a Pivot Grid, a Rich Text box, a Master-Detail sub report, and a Picture Box.
American States/Counties Master Detail Standard Report
In this Standard styled report about three American States and their Counties, we demonstrate a number of elements.
Report Header and Footer
Table of Contents
2 Map Boxes, one as an Overview Map, and the Rotate longest feature side to longest map box size option (see Arkansas)
simple Map Legend,
North Arrow,
Scale bar,
Picture Box bound to a calculated field where the expression points to a file location (eg: 'c:\tmp\myImages\' + [STATE_NAME] + '.png')
Pie Chart of top 5 counties by population within the State
Sub Report containing stats about counties within the State laid out in a multi-column table format
Conditional formatting - rain > 50 is colored pink